Humble PieBreaking All The Rules
ORCHESTRA BAOBABPirate's Choice - Cd1
Max RoachJordu
Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius PipAngles
Barry WhiteRhapsody In White
Dance - Various ArtistsBargrooves Vol 11 Terrazza (Cd 1)
Bach, Johann SebastianSymphonies and Concertos Pour Violoncelle
Marc Bolan and T.RexThe Ultimate Collection
Eduardo PaniaguaEn Las Cantigas De Alfonso X El Sabio
Joe Sample and Lalah HathawayThe Song Lives On
Jorge CeledonCanto Vallenato
The PresetsApocalypso
Kenny DorhamThe Complete 'round About Midnight (Cd 1)
Aldo Romano - Louis Sclavis - Heni TexierAfrican Flashback
Bruce Springsteen and The E Street BandLive 1975-1985 (Cd 2)