David Pabon, Grupo Gale, Maelo RuizLa Triologia De La Salsa
Edie Brickell and New BohemiansShooting Rubberbands At The Stars
3 Doors Down3 Doors Down
OneidaThe Wedding
Lennie TristanoLive At The Confucius Restaurant (Cd 2)
Ike QuebecHeavy Soul
Bernard HerrmannFahrenheit 451
Veruca SaltResolver
Cat StevensCatch Bull at Four
Michael NesmithTimerider
Eduardo PaniaguaEn Las Cantigas De Alfonso X El Sabio
Roy HaynesRoaring Haynes
Pop - Various ArtistsJuly Hits 2007 Plus (Cd 2)
Jenny Lewis with the Watson TwinsRabbit Fur Coat