Barry WhiteUnder The Influence Of Love: The Very Best Of Barry White
Cheo FelicianoSalsa Caliente De Nu York!
Vinicius De Moraes and ToquinhoMillennium Collection
Paul MotianConception Vessel
Alan Parsons ProjectEve
Joti SidhuNew Sensations
John WilliamsThe Sound Of Glory
SpiritualizedLive Royal Albert Hall October 10 1997 (Cd 2)
Billy Childish and Musicians Of The British EmpirePunk Rock At The British Legion Hall 2007
DorotheeAttention Danger
Barry WhiteBeware!
Kenny GarrettThe Music Of John Coltrane
Judy GarlandJudy At Carnegie Hall (Cd 2)
FerrasBach Sonatas and Partitas For Solo Violin Ferras