Lars Danielsson and Leszek MozdzerPasodoble
Eddy GrantBest of Eddy Grant
Jackie McLeanJackie's Bag
Blossom DearieLive in London, Vol. 2
Senor Coconut And His OrchestraYellow Fever!
John WilliamsHome Alone
EaglesLive (Cd 1)
Bach, Johann SebastianSymphonies and Concertos Pour Violoncelle
Fern KnightMusic for Witches and Alchemists
Hesse HermannIl giuoco delle perle di vetro
Oliver NelsonScreamin' The Blues
Joe HendersonBig Band
Enrico PieranunziUn'Alba Dipinta Sui Muri
Lennie TristanoLive At The Confucius Restaurant (Cd 1)
El Fary - Media VeronicaLos Grandes Exitos (Cd 1)