Soziedad AlkoholikaMala Sangre
Joe HendersonMirror, Mirror
Kenny Barron and Regina CarterFreefall
Techno - Various ArtistsI Love Tecno Pop (Cd 3)
Trance - Various ArtistsProgressive Psy Trance Mix-V
Joan of ArcBoo Human
Bob Dylan and The Grateful DeadDylan and Grateful Dead
Tori AmosA Piano The Collection (Cd 5)
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis ArmstrongElla And Louis Again (Cd 2)
ApologetiXKeep the Change
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 2)
Acts:29Under Exposed
Fern KnightMusic for Witches and Alchemists
Ricardo VillalobosFabric 36
Hanzel Und GretylAusgeflippt