Blue MitchellBlue Soul
John Abercrombie and David HollandGateway
Nina SimoneNina Simone Sings the Blues
FerrasBach Sonatas and Partitas For Solo Violin Ferras
NektarSunday Night Live At The London Roundhouse
David SanbornVoyeur
ChimarrutsTodos Somos Um
Dave Brubeck and Paul DesmondBuried Treasures: Recorded Live in Mexico City
Lorraine FeatherSuch Sweet Thunder
Yamashita TatsuroJoy
Kenny DorhamThe Complete 'round About Midnight (Cd 1)
N'klabeSalsa Contra Viento Y Marea
Enrico Pieranunzi, Marc Johnson and Joey BaronBallads
Marco Antonio SolisLa Historia Continua Parte Iii