NektarSunday Night Live At The London Roundhouse
Charlie Haden, Joe Henderson and Al FosterThe Montreal Tapes
Claudio LolliHo Visto Anche Degli Zingari Felici
Cat StevensCollected (Cd 1)
Tony VegaYo Me Quedo
Carolina LiarComing To Terms
Claudio ArrauIsserstedt Brahms Concertos
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 2)
Barry WhiteI Love To Sing The Songs I Sing
Roswell Rudd - Steve LacyRegeneration
Mitch KashmarNickels and Dimes
Gary BartzBlues Chronicles: Tales of Life
Blind AlleyInfinity Ends
Electronic - Various ArtistsBargrooves 14 - Cosmopolitan