The Dresden DollsNo, Virginia...
Krazy BaldheadDry Guillotine
Sonny RollinsRollins Plays For Bird
Burden Of A DayPilots and Paper Planes
SpiritualizedLive Royal Albert Hall October 10 1997 (Cd 1)
Ying Yang TwinsAlley...Return of the Ying Yang Twins
Nina SimoneNina Simone Sings the Blues
Ivan SmirnovKaruselniy Ded
ApologetiXKeep the Change
Antonio AguilarDiscografia (Part 1)
Sonny RollinsSonny Rollins And The Contemporary Leaders
John WilliamsStar Wars Trilogy Disc 3
Paolo FresuLive At Casa Del Jazz
Chief E ReverendoAutostrada Del Sole
Joe SampleThe Pecan Tree