ApologetiXKeep the Change
Eduardo PaniaguaEn Las Cantigas De Alfonso X El Sabio
James CarterThe Real Quietstorm
Johannes Brahms - Julius KatchenWorks For Solo Piano (Cd 5)
Gianluigi Trovesi With Gianni CosciaRadici
Gerry MulliganMulligan Meets Webster
Barry WhiteLes Legendes De La Soul (Cd 2)
Little MiltonThink Of Me
KalmahFor The Revolution
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsThe Bridges Of Madison County
Lee WileyNight In Manhattan
SupremesThe Supremes 2000 Box Set disc3
Bach, Johann SebastianSymphonies and Concertos Pour Violoncelle
Nina SimoneTo Love Somebody and Here Comes The Sun