Herbie HancockInventions and Dimensions
Isley BrothersBeautiful Ballads
Susheela RamanSalt Rain
Michel LegrandLes Demoiselles De Rochefort
Marco Antonio SolisLa Historia Continua Parte Ii
Foxboro Hot TubsStop Drop and Roll
John WilliamsHome Alone 2 - Deluxe Edition (Disc 1)
Sonny LandrethBlues Attack
Barry WhiteBeware!
Humble PieLive In Bbc
R&B - Various ArtistsLuxury Soul (Cd 1)
Atlantic StarrThe Best Of- Millennium Collection
Jam ProjectJam Project Best Collection
Pavlov's DogHas Anyone Here Seen Sigfried?
Bob Brookmeyer and Bill EvansThe Ivory Hunters