Mitch KashmarNickels and Dimes
Celia Cruz - Tito PuenteHomenaje A Beny More - Vol. III
Killing JokeSingles and Rarities (Cd 3)
Lightnin' HopkinsLive At Newport
Pearl JamSports Arena Toledo, Oh (Vote For Change Tour)
Gun BarrelBattle-Tested
Scarlett JohanssonAnywhere I Lay My Head
Humble PieRise Up
Bach, Johann SebastianSymphonies and Concertos Pour Violoncelle
Jackie Mclean With The Great Jazz TrioNew Wine In Old Bottles
Joe SampleThe Pecan Tree
Hampton HawesHampton Hawes Trio, Vol. 1
Paolo FresuLive At Casa Del Jazz
Derrick MorganSeven Letters