Tori AmosA Piano The Collection (Cd 3)
Gerry MulliganConcert Jazz Band Sessions (Cd 2)
3 Doors DownLive Las Vegas
10 YearsDivision
The OsmondsThe Very Best Of The Osmonds (Cd 1)
Billy Joe Royal20 Greatest Hits - Down In The Boondocks
Joe hisaishiWorks III
Colette MagnyVietnam 67 - Mai 68
Dave BrubeckBrubeck Time
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 2)
Joe hisaishiJoe hisaishi Gene, Nhk Special: The Human Body III
Jeff Berlin and Scott Henderson and S SmithPlayers
Kanno YoukoDarker Than Black
Gun BarrelBattle-Tested