Soundtrack - Various ArtistsFalcon Sound Team Jdk - Ys Oath Of Fergana (Cd 2)
Jaki ByardFreedom Together!
KalmahFor The Revolution
Barry WhiteRhapsody In White
Jam ProjectJam Project Best Collection 2
Cat StevensCollected (Cd 3)
Various ArtistsLuxury Lounge - Dinner Spain
Lennie TristanoLive At The Confucius Restaurant (Cd 1)
Joti SidhuNew Sensations
Emmanuel Jal and Abdel Gadir AlimCeasefire
Tori AmosA Piano The Collection (Cd 4)
SpiritualizedLive Royal Albert Hall October 10 1997 (Cd 1)
Anders WidmarkSolo Piano
Svjatoslav RichterRichter In Prague
La LupeGrandes Exitos