Corey Harris and Henry ButlerVu-Du Menz
Jaki ByardFreedom Together!
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsAlfred Newman - Nevada Smith
Little RichardHere's Little Richard
Barbara MasonLady Love
Maurice OhanaTombeau De Claude Debussy
Eduardo PaniaguaVirgen De Atocha
Humble PieRarities
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsKate Alexa - Just Add Water
House - Various ArtistsVA - Bargrooves - Vol. 4 - Fall-EAC-256CBR-Cue-Cov- by Shankar
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 3)
Reuben WilsonOrgan Donor
Foxboro Hot TubsStop Drop and Roll
Myriam AlterIf
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsTombstone