Electronic - Various ArtistsThe Disco Boys Vol 8
Barry WhiteLes Legendes De La Soul (Cd 1)
The Latin Jazz Quintet and Eric DolphyCaribe
Humble PieThe Lodger (Live In San Francisco)
Peter UlrichEnter The Mysterium
Joe HendersonMirror, Mirror
Elliot Goldenthal and Various ArAlien 3
T.RexGreat Hits 1972-1977 The A-Sides
Antonio AguilarDiscografia (Part 3)
Pepe Aguilar100% Mexicano (Cd 2)
Sonny RollinsRollins Plays For Bird
Pop - Various ArtistsJuly Hits 2007 Plus (Cd 1)
Norah JonesPiano Bar
Robert SchroederPegasus
Joe hisaishiJoe hisaishi Gene, Nhk Special: The Human Body III