James Newton HowardThe Sixth Sense
Judy GarlandJudy At Carnegie Hall (Cd 2)
ALO (Animal Liberation Orchestra)Fly Between Falls
Keiko LeeBeautiful Love
Joe Sample and Lalah HathawayThe Song Lives On
Daniele SilvestriSig. Dapatas
Barry WhiteBarry White Sings For Someone You Love
A Toys OrchestraCuckoo Boohoo
Eddy GrantBest of Eddy Grant
Pavlov's DogHas Anyone Here Seen Sigfried?
Joe hisaishiWorks III
BaobabReggae Social Club
Marco Antonio SolisLa Historia Continua Parte Ii
Kenny DorhamWest 42Nd Street
Jorge CeledonLlevame En Tus Suenos