Shelly ManneAlive In London
Eduardo PaniaguaEn Las Cantigas De Alfonso X El Sabio
McCoy Tyner and Jackie McLeanIt's About Time
Bruce Springsteen and The E Street BandLive 1975-1985 (Cd 2)
Lee KonitzSubconscious - Lee
Oscar Peterson TrioLive At The Blue Note (With Herb Ellis)
Barry WhiteBarry White Dj Kamel
Kelly RowlandMs. Kelly
John WilliamsAmistad
Joe hisaishiPiano Stories
Cat StevensThe Very best Of
The Dresden DollsRock Schizophrenie
Arild Andersen with Vassilis Tsabropoulos and John MarshallThe Triangle
Claudio ArrauIsserstedt Brahms Concertos