El Fary - Media VeronicaLos Grandes Exitos (Cd 2)
Barry WhiteTogether Brothers
SonghaiSonghai 2
Eduardo PaniaguaVirgen De Atocha
Various ArtistsSierra - Heavenly U
Mark MancinaAugust Rush
Terry Lee Brown JuniorSoftpack
Jazz - Various ArtistsLatin Jazz Compilation
Mitch KashmarNickels and Dimes
Pop - Various ArtistsVeronica Album Top 1000
Sonny RollinsThe Cutting Edge
Army Of The PharaohsRitual Of Battle
Ray Charles and James Brown, Bo Diddley, Little RichardRay Charles and James Brown, Bo Diddley, Little Richard
Susheela RamanSalt Rain
The Bee GeesMr. Natural