Various ArtistsLuxury Lounge - Dinner Spain
Collections Of Colonies Of BeesBirds
Above The LawLegends
Humble PieLive In The Summit
Daniele SilvestriSig. Dapatas
Allison MoorerThe Duel
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 2)
Figure Of SixAion
Various ArtistsTokyo Luxury Lounge
SpiritualizedLive Royal Albert Hall October 10 1997 (Cd 2)
Little RichardHere's Little Richard
Barry WhiteBarry White The Man
Rap - Various ArtistsBlackout Music Presente Ako-Dy
Tito NievesPura Salsa Live
John WilliamsIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade