Various ArtistsLuxury Lounge - Dinner Spain
Fern KnightMusic for Witches and Alchemists
Mamadou KanteLes Tambours Du Mali
Joe HendersonIn 'n Out
Jackie McLeanThe Jackie Mac Attack Live
Judy GarlandJudy At Carnegie Hall (Cd 1)
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsThe Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Herbie HancockMy Point of View
R&B - Various ArtistsLuxury Soul (Cd 1)
Johnny Griffin - Eddie Lockjaw DavisPisces
Army Of The PharaohsRitual Of Battle
Danilo PerezCentral Avenue
Carol KiddGold
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsFalcon Sound Team Jdk - Ys Oath Of Fergana (Cd 1)
Deke DickersonRhythm Rhyme and Truth