Eduardo PaniaguaEn Las Cantigas De Alfonso X El Sabio
Claire MartinToo Darn Hot!
AudiovisionThe Calling
Ruby Braff and Scott HamiltonA First
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsBeaches
Barry WhiteBarry White The Man
Boyd RaeburnBoyd Meets Stravinsky
Andy and LucasDesde Mi Barrio
Elliot Goldenthal and Various ArAlien 3
Various ArtistsSoca Gold 2008
MfsbThe Gamble-Huff Orchestra
Electronic - Various ArtistsBargrooves - Vol 10 - Frosted
Marco Antonio SolisLa Historia Continua Parte Ii
Techno - Various ArtistsI Love Tecno Pop (Cd 2)
Kelly RowlandMs. Kelly (Deluxe Edition)