Commander CodyHot Licks, Cold Steel and Trucker's Favorites
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 1)
Mal WaldronBlues For Lady Day
ToquinhoGreatest Hits
Svjatoslav RichterRichter In Prague
Daniele SilvestriSig. Dapatas
Gerry MulliganMidas Touch Live In Berlin
A Whisper In The NoiseAs The Bluebird Sings
ChimarrutsTodos Somos Um
R&B - Various ArtistsLuxury Soul (Cd 1)
Myriam AlterIf
UsherHere I Stand
Burden Of A DayPilots and Paper Planes
El Fary - Media VeronicaLos Grandes Exitos (Cd 2)
Kenny DorhamThe Complete 'round About Midnight (Cd 1)