Antonio AguilarDiscografia (Part 8)
Los Angeles Azules De Charly20 Exitos Romanticos
Pat Metheny GroupFirst Circle
Marc Bolan and T.RexThe Ultimate Collection
Isley BrothersBeautiful Ballads
Fern KnightMusic for Witches and Alchemists
Ivan SmirnovKaruselniy Ded
Barry WhiteBarry White The Man
T.RexGreat Hits 1972-1977 The A-Sides
ChimarrutsLivre Para Viajar
FerrasBach Sonatas and Partitas For Solo Violin Ferras
PimpinelaDe Corazon A Corazon
Pop - Various ArtistsSwitch 12 (Cd 2)
Above The LawTime Will Reveal