Bernard HerrmannFahrenheit 451
Antonio AguilarDiscografia (Part 1)
AronasCulture Tunnels
John WilliamsReturn of the Jedi - Special Edition CD2
Lester YoungWith The Oscar Peterson Trio
Joe hisaishiJoe hisaishi Gene, Nhk Special: The Human Body III
WaystedBack from the Dead
ChopinNocturnes (Cd 1)
O'detteEnglish Country Dances
Joe hisaishiWorks III
John WilliamsIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Pepe Aguilar100% Mexicano (Cd 2)
Elliot Goldenthal and Various ArAlien 3
Bruce Springsteen and The E Street BandLive 1975-1985 (Cd 1)
Eduardo PaniaguaEn Las Cantigas De Alfonso X El Sabio