IslandsArm's Way
Emerson String QuartetHaydn - The Seven Last Words
Eliane EliasDreamer
Houston Person and Ron CarterComplete Muse Sessions (Cd 2)
Pernice BrothersThe World Won't End
Lee KonitzSubconscious - Lee
House - Various ArtistsCatwalk_Megahits_2008_(The Official_Supermodel_Collection-Season_3)-CD-
Folk - Various ArtistsEnsemble National De Guinee - Percussions De Guinee Vol. 1
ApologetiXKeep the Change
Mississippi Fred McDowellHeritage of the Blues
DelibesCoppelia (Cd 1)
Dance - Various ArtistsRave And Techno Classics (Cd 1)
John WilliamsHome Alone
Frank SinatraNothing But The Best
Joe SampleThe Pecan Tree