Fatboy SlimNorman Cook - Collection
Kenny DorhamThe Complete 'round About Midnight (Cd 2)
Lorraine FeatherSuch Sweet Thunder
MudhoneyMarch To Fuzz - Disk 1 Best Of
CircleParis Concert (Cd 1)
T.RexGreat Hits 1972-1977 The A-Sides
Humble PieSomethin's Happening
Pop - Various ArtistsSwitch 12 (Cd 1)
WayraMusic of the native americans Indians
James Newton HowardThe Sixth Sense
ToquinhoBossa Nova Forever (Cd2)
Tori AmosA Piano The Collection (Cd 1)
Ottmar LiebertOpium Cd 2 Dreaming
Humble PieWhere I Should Be
AgfWesternization Completed