Rafael FarinaEl Rey Gitano Por Fandangos CD1
Kenny GarrettThe Music Of John Coltrane
Angeles String QuartetHaydn: The String Quartets, Op. 33 Nos 1-3
Nina Hagen BandNina Hagen Band
Derrick MorganMoon Hop - Best Of The Early Years 1960-'69 CD 2
Cats StevensThe Very Best Of
DorotheeAllo Allo Mr L'ordinateur
Rosario Giuliani and Franco D'andreaDuets For Trane
Carolina LiarComing To Terms
Little RichardHere's Little Richard
Marc Bolan and T.Rex20th Century Boy: The Ultimate Collection
ChimarrutsLivre Para Viajar
ORCHESTRA BAOBABPirate's Choice - Cd2