Jackie Mclean With The Great Jazz TrioNew Wine In Old Bottles
Tirso Duarte and Michel PerezPan Con Chocolate
FerrasBach Sonatas and Partitas For Solo Violin Ferras
Jukka Tolonen BandMontreux Boogie
Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius PipAngles
Klaus BadeltThe Time Machine
John WilliamsPresumed Innocent
Rap - Various ArtistsBlackout Music Presente Ako-Dy
peter prestaTrade A Tribal King
Keiko LeeBeautiful Love
Max RoachJordu
Ann Hampton CallawayBlues in the Night
Allison, McCray, Weathersby, PetersonTriple Fret
Eddie HendersonHeritage
Lars Danielsson and Leszek MozdzerPasodoble