Barry WhiteThe Right Night and Barry White
Larry LevanThe Definitive Salsoul Mixes 78-83 (Cd 2)
Barry WhiteBarry White The Man
Rock - Various ArtistsHits der DDR
Gun BarrelOutlaw Invasion
Dave Brubeck and Paul DesmondBuried Treasures: Recorded Live in Mexico City
Hampton Hawes TrioThe Seance
Hampton HawesI'm All Smiles
John WilliamsAmistad
Techno - Various ArtistsI Love Tecno Pop (Cd 1)
Oliver Nelson's Big BandLive From Los Angeles
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsSaw Ii
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 2)
Blue Man GroupHow To Be A Megastar Live
Kyle EastwoodNow