Blind Willie McTellThe Definitive Blind Willie Mctell: 1927-1935
Emerson String QuartetHaydn - The Seven Last Words
Celia Cruz - Tito PuenteHomenaje A Beny More - Vol. III
Jeff Berlin and Scott Henderson and S SmithPlayers
Aebersoldvolume 108 -Joe Henderson: Inner Urge
Collections Of Colonies Of BeesBirds
SpiritualizedLive Royal Albert Hall October 10 1997 (Cd 2)
Above The LawForever: Rich Thugs, Book One
AxwellRemixes (I Found You)
Burden Of A DayPilots and Paper Planes
Orlando consortMystery Of Notre-Dame
Tony VegaYo Me Quedo
Johannes Brahms - Julius KatchenWorks For Solo Piano (Cd 5)
AxwellI Found U
ORCHESTRA BAOBABPirate's Choice - Cd2