John WilliamsIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Tony VegaYo Me Quedo
Terry Lee Brown JuniorChatterbox
Dismal EuphonyAutumn Leaves
Enrico Pieranunzi, Marc Johnson and Joey BaronBallads
Elliot Goldenthal and Various ArAlien 3
Joe hisaishiKaze No Tani No Naushika
Rolf Kuhn, Michael Brecker, Till Bronner, Lee Konitz, Joachim KuhnInside Out
Electronic - Various ArtistsLounge Classics - Chillout Bargrooves
The WildheartsB-Sides
Kuribayashi MinamiOverture
Mozdzer Leszek, Zbigniew Preisner10 Easy Pieces For Piano
John and Yoko and Elephant's MemorySometime In New York City
Bill EvansEloqence
MahlerSymphonies Vol 1