Electronic - Various ArtistsChill Out In Paris 3 By Buddha Bar - Fusion (Cd 1)
Kenny GarrettSongbook
Techno - Various ArtistsI Love Tecno Pop (Cd 1)
Various ArtistsBeautiful Wedding Melodies
House - Various ArtistsTerry Lee Brown Jr -Terry's Cafe Vol.10 (Cd 2)
Ying Yang TwinsAlley...Return of the Ying Yang Twins
Pop - Various ArtistsJuly Hits 2007 Plus (Cd 1)
John WilliamsBorn on the 4th of July
Barry WhiteBarry White Sings For Someone You Love
Ivan SmirnovKaruselniy Ded
Jimmy HeathTriple Threat
Marco Antonio SolisLa Historia Continua Parte Ii
Anthony RotherSex With The Machines
Killah PriestBehind The Stained Glass
Bill EvansEloqence