The Isley Brothers3 + 3 [Bonus Track]
Bob Dylan and The Grateful DeadDylan and Grateful Dead
Eduardo PaniaguaEn Las Cantigas De Alfonso X El Sabio
DemiurgThe Hate Chamber
Ottmar LiebertOpium Cd 2 Dreaming
Electronic - Various ArtistsChill Out In Paris 3 By Buddha Bar - Confusion (Cd 2)
Tori AmosA Piano The Collection (Cd 2)
Nina Hagen BandNina Hagen Band
MahlerSymphonies Vol 1
Mario LanzaSings Opera's Greatest Hits
Kenny DorhamThe Complete 'round About Midnight (Cd 1)
Joe HendersonIn 'n Out
Marc Bolan and T.RexThe Ultimate Collection
Ottmar LiebertOpium Cd I Wide-Eyed
Branford MarsalisRomances For Saxophone