Pepe AguilarEnamorado
Helge Roswaenge and Hilde KonetzniArias
Paul MotianConception Vessel
Antony and the JohnsonsHope There's Someone
Antonio AguilarDiscografia (Part 7)
Hanzel Und GretylAusgeflippt
Angeles String QuartetHaydn: The String Quartets, Op. 20 Nos 4-6
Antonio AguilarDiscografia (Part 3)
Humble PiePremonition
Foxboro Hot TubsStop Drop and Roll
Mal WaldronBlues For Lady Day
Angeles String QuartetHaydn: The String Quartets, Op. 17 Nos 3-6
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsFalcon Sound Team Jdk - Ys Oath Of Fergana (Cd 1)
Cat StevensCollected (Cd 1)
DorotheeQu'il Est Bete