Bruce SpringsteenThe River (Cd 1)
Humble PieLive In Detroit (Cd 1)
Tito NievesMi Historia ... Mis Exitos
Mats Morgan BandOn Air With Guests
Johannes Brahms - Julius KatchenWorks For Solo Piano (Cd 4)
The Isley BrothersUltimate Collection (Cd 2)
R&B - Various ArtistsLuxury Soul (Cd 3)
Colette MagnyVietnam 67 - Mai 68
Dance - Various ArtistsSensation (The official Compilation Germany 2007 2008)
Aebersoldvolume 108 -Joe Henderson: Inner Urge
Max RoachJordu
Claudio ArrauChopin Piano Works (Cd 2)
John MayallLive At Klooks Kleek 1964
Gun BarrelOutlaw Invasion
Derrick MorganMoon Hop - Best Of The Early Years 1960-'69 CD1