Joe SampleThe Pecan Tree
Barry WhiteThe Ultimate Collection (Cd 2)
Martial SolalBluesine
Ray Charles and James Brown, Bo Diddley, Little RichardRay Charles and James Brown, Bo Diddley, Little Richard
Kanno YoukoDarker Than Black
Antonio AguilarDiscografia (Part 6)
Soundtrack - Various ArtistsSaw Ii
Aebersoldvolume 108 -Joe Henderson: Inner Urge
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Jenny Lewis with the Watson TwinsRabbit Fur Coat
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 1)
Cats StevensThe Very Best Of
Commander CodyHot Licks, Cold Steel and Trucker's Favorites
Krazy BaldheadDry Guillotine
SchnuffelIch hab Dich lieb