Kuribayashi MinamiOverture
John WilliamsPresumed Innocent
Peter UlrichEnter The Mysterium
Tony VegaYo Me Quedo
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 2)
DelayExplode Baby
DorotheePour Faire Une Chanson
Above The LawTime Will Reveal
Pearl JamSports Arena Toledo, Oh (Vote For Change Tour)
SonghaiSonghai 2
MfsbThe Gamble-Huff Orchestra
AxwellI Found U
Various ArtistsBillboard Top 100 Hits Of 2006-2007
Bud Shank And Bud CooperMosaic Select 10 (Cd 2)
Roy Ayers UbiquityRed Black and Green