Dismal EuphonyAutumn Leaves
Klaus SchulzeLive At Klangart
DorotheePour Faire Une Chanson
Collections Of Colonies Of BeesBirds
Jim Hall and Enrico PieranunziDuologues
10ccLive In Concert - Volume Two
ChimarrutsTodos Somos Um
Johnny Griffin - Eddie Lockjaw DavisPisces
SpiritualizedLive Royal Albert Hall October 10 1997 (Cd 1)
Johnny GriffinThe Little Giant
Eduardo PaniaguaEn Las Cantigas De Alfonso X El Sabio
Rosario Giuliani and Franco D'andreaDuets For Trane
John WilliamsReturn of the Jedi - Special Edition CD1
Klaus BadeltThe Time Machine
John WilliamsSabrina