Humble PieWhere I Should Be
Barry WhiteTogether Brothers
Barry WhiteUnder The Influence Of Love
ApologetiXKeep the Change
John WilliamsSabrina
Svjatoslav RichterRichter In Prague
Pepe Aguilar100% Mexicano (Cd 1)
Jazz - Various ArtistsLatin Jazz Compilation
BengaBAM008 Vinyl
Techno - Various ArtistsTunning Mania Vol. 2 (Mixed By Julian DJ And FJ Project) CD
Frankie MillerThe Very Best Of
The Latin Jazz Quintet and Eric DolphyCaribe
SonghaiSonghai 2
Johannes Brahms - Julius KatchenWorks For Solo Piano (Cd 6)
Keith MurrayPuff Puff Pass