David Pabon, Grupo Gale, Maelo RuizLa Triologia De La Salsa
Masaji WatanabeMiyabi
Pino DanieleRicomincio Da 30 (Cd 1)
Hampton Hawes TrioThe Seance
Mitch KashmarNickels and Dimes
A Flock Of SeagullsDream Come True
Klaus SchulzeVirtual Outback
Roy HaynesCymbalism
Ottmar LiebertOpium Cd 2 Dreaming
Analogue BrainElectroshock
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 3)
Bun BII Trill
Barry WhiteLes Legendes De La Soul (Cd 1)
The OsmondsThe Very Best of the Osmonds
Hank MobleyNo Room for Squares