Soundtrack - Various ArtistsCon Air
Electronic - Various ArtistsChill Out In Paris 3 By Buddha Bar - Fusion (Cd 1)
Ben FoldsSongs For Silverman
John WilliamsHook Special 4 Cds Edition (CD 04)
Howard ShoreExistenz
Baaba MaalFirin' In Fouta
Mal WaldronWith The Steve Lacy Quintet
Ruby Braff and Scott HamiltonA Sailboat In The Moonlight
House - Various ArtistsTerry Lee Brown Jr -Terry's Cafe Vol.10 (Cd 1)
Antonio AguilarDiscografia (Part 1)
Oliver NelsonTaking Care Of Business
FerrasBach Sonatas and Partitas For Solo Violin Ferras
Gustavo CeratiAhi Vamos
MahlerSymphonies Vol 1
Derrick MorganMoon Hop - Best Of The Early Years 1960-'69 CD 2