10 YearsDivision
SonghaiSonghai 2
Humble PieRock On
Roswell Rudd - Steve LacyRegeneration
Barry WhiteBarry White Dj Kamel
Tori AmosA Piano The Collection (Cd 4)
Jaki LiebezeitFull Circle
Adama Drame30 Ans De Jembe
Derrick MorganMoon Hop - Best Of The Early Years 1960-'69 CD 2
Michel LegrandLes Demoiselles De Rochefort
Lee KonitzSatori
Laurindo Almeida with Charlie ByrdLatin Odyssey
ChimarrutsTodos Somos Um
Lorraine FeatherSuch Sweet Thunder
Jim Hall and Enrico PieranunziDuologues