Derrick MorganMoon Hop - Best Of The Early Years 1960-'69 CD 2
Cyrus ChestnutGenuine Chestnut
Eighth WonderFearless
Svjatoslav RichterThe Authorised Recordings- Schumann, Brahms (Cd 1)
Eduardo PaniaguaEn Las Cantigas De Alfonso X El Sabio
Foxboro Hot TubsStop Drop and Roll
Howard ShoreExistenz
Kelly RowlandMs. Kelly (Deluxe Edition)
ORCHESTRA BAOBABPirate's Choice - Cd2
Sonny RollinsThe Cutting Edge
Orlando GibbonsConsort For Viols (Phantasm)
Blue MitchellBlue Soul
Mal WaldronWith The Steve Lacy Quintet
Allen Toussaint OrchestraThe Love Themes